The Gineeren Chronicles

Read this chapter and more in The Ginereen Chronicles: Book 1, "The Pencil Effect".

Chapter 1 Description: "The Gineeren Chronicles"
In the opening chapter of "The Gineeren Chronicles," we are introduced to the enigmatic throne room of the Genegier Ni, the ruling elite of Gineeren. The story begins with a tense meeting between the Consultant and the Genegier Ni siblings: the fiery Dosi, the volatile Genner, and the imposing Geerone. The Consultant presents a proposal to form alliances with various groups, including the Protors, to maintain control over the increasingly restless Gineeren populace. This suggestion is met with resistance and disdain from the siblings, particularly from Geerone, who believes in ruling without alliances.
The Consultant faces a challenging audience, navigating through Genner's tantrums and Dosi's sharp skepticism. Despite the palpable tension and the threat of violence, the Consultant manages to convince the siblings to consider his plan, albeit with reluctance. The chapter concludes with the siblings dispersing, leaving Dosi to reflect on the day's events and the looming crisis of the dying "light and breath eating creatures" known as Trees, which are crucial to Gineeren's ecosystem.
This chapter sets the stage for a complex narrative filled with political intrigue, societal challenges, and the delicate balance of power within the ruling class. The eerie silence of the throne room and the Consultant's precarious position highlight the underlying tension and the high stakes of the Consultant's proposal.

The Gineeren Chronicles


W: 2680
C: 12954
P: 64
S: 144

S/P: 2.4
W/S: 18.4
C/W: 4.6

FRE: 61.9
F-K GL: 9.1
Passive S: 4.8%

The Gineeren Chronicles Chapters